I have been to do dozens of Hokkaido in autumn and winter, for some reason I have not had a border in summer Hokkaido. I went to the middle of July because it was unusually considered to be a royal road saying, "Oh, I want to see the whole side of a lavender field!" And "I want to eat freshly boiled corn!"
And I thought again that "After all, Hokkaido is the strongest." The attraction is multi-layered at the main road of sightseeing, which is nature, gourmet and hot spring. It's wide and deep. Sometimes the royal road was good too. But there are so many tourists, so I would like to go ahead and aim for the day before summer vacation.
◆ Contents ◆
This is fantastic!/ここが素敵!
Furano's lavender garden, which is the main feature of this trip. I visited three gardens near each other.
Saika no Sato Sasaki Farm/彩香の里 佐々木ファーム
Aderss:〒071-0762 北海道空知郡中富良野町 西一線北12号/No. 12 Nishi 1 Senkita, Nakafurano-cho, Sorachi-gun, Hokkaido
A lavender garden on the hill overlooking the Tokachidake mountain range and the countryside. You can see all seven types of lavender found in the Furano region. Because there are fewer people than "Farm Tomita", there is a sense of excitement.
Naka-Furano Town-owned lavender garden/中富良野町営ラベンダー園
Aderss:〒071-0714 北海道空知郡中富良野町宮町1-41/1-41 Miyamachi, Nakafurano-cho, Sorachi-gun, Hokkaido
The lavender garden spreads on the slope of the mountain overlooking the Furano basin. Time to look at a leisurely flower garden swayed by a lift (round trip 400 yen, as of July 2019) can be unconscious. In winter it becomes a ski resort.
Farm Tomita/ファーム富田
Aderss:〒071-0704 北海道空知郡中富良野町基線北15号/No. 15 Kisenkita, Nakafurano-cho, Sorachi-gun, Hokkaido
Speaking of the lavender field of Furano, "Farm Tomita". The lavender garden boasts a high profile. It is a difficult point that there are many people and crowded, but lavender goods and food and drink are substantial.
This route /今回のルート
1.)1st day:Move from Shin Chitose Airport to a hotel in Tomakomai(About 30 minutes)/1日目:千歳空港から苫小牧のホテルへ移動(約30分)※JL529(羽田19:30→新千歳21:05)利用→
2.)Sashimi Tavern"Nakazen"/刺身居酒屋なかぜん→
3.)2nd day:Poponta market/ぽぽんた市場→
5.)Lavender garden in Nakafurano/中富良野のラベンダー園
6.)Shihoro Onsen Plaza"Rykufuu"/しほろ温泉 プラザ緑風→
7.)3rd day:Cafe Kenkyuusho (In the same site as Michi-no-Eki “Ashoro”)※“Michi-no-Eki ” is Road Station./カフェ研究所(道の駅「あしょろ」と同じ敷地内)→
8.)Michi-no-Eki “Aurora Town 93 Rikubetsu”/道の駅「オーロラタウン93りくべつ」→
9.)Soba restaurant Inada shop/そば処 いなだ屋 置戸本店→
11.)Yama no Hatago Sankosou(Guest house)/山の旅籠 山湖荘(民宿)→
12.)4th day:Kamishihorocho Railway Museum/上士幌町鉄道資料館→
13.)A Coop Shihoro store ASPO/Aコープ士幌店 ASPO→
14.)Michi-no-Eki “Peer 21 Shihoro”/道の駅「ピア21しほろ」→
15.)Menya Nakayama Shoten Obihiro Store(Obihiro-Ramen)/麺家 中山商店 帯広店(帯広ラーメン)→
17.)Michi-no-Eki “Nakasatsunai”/道の駅「なかさつない」→
18.)Michi-no-Eki “Sarabetsu”/道の駅「さらべつ」→
19.)Kofuku Eki (Happiness station)/幸福駅→
20.)Masuyapan Mugine(bakery)/ますやパン 麦音→
21.)Obihiro Airport/帯広空港※JL576(羽田20:05→新千歳21:45)利用
Here too!/ここもおすすめ!
This time, I entered Hokkaido from Chitose Airport and finished at Obihiro Airport. Among them, I will record another spot that can say "Here was also good!"
【Gourmet】Sashimi Tavern"Nakazen"/刺身居酒屋なかぜん
Aderss:〒053-0022 北海道苫小牧市表町2-2-19/2-2-19 Omotemachi, Tomakomai City, Hokkaido
Tomakomai arrives in less than 30 minutes by car from Shin Chitose Airport. This time, I have avoided Sapporo, which is a tourist with rubbish and expensive, but it was a great solution.Because "Sashimi Tavern Tavern" was quite attractive! Meals and drinks are also plentiful and delicious. And all are reasonable. Most seats can be relaxed in the semi-private room.
↓Raw corn butter grilled: 580 yen/A simple thing that peeled off the raw corn and fry it with butter. As I bite, the sweetness of corn spreads more and more into my mouth, and it makes me smile as I eat.
↓Live hokki shellfish grilled butter: 980 yen/Tomakomai's specialty scallop. You can eat it raw and it's fresh and delicious. It is too luxurious to bake it with butter. I am happy that the sweetness of the shellfish spreads all over my mouth. If you squeeze a lemon into the shellfish left in the shellfish, happiness will be even more max.
↓Steamed potato butter: 380 yen/Although it is standard, it is delicious without losing it! The salt and salted plums are perfect, so I can just drink alcohol.
Crab miso shellfish grilled: 780 yen/Crab miso (the visceral organs) is so thick. Good salt and plum without too much sweetness and taste. I still drink alcohol.
↓Three types of sashimi(Locally grown Hakkaku, sardines, sea squirts)/The fish is outstandingly fresh. The sea squirt was very big and it had no smell and it was sweet. Rarely, you have a style with ponzu, not soy sauce. I was able to enjoy the taste of Hokkaido in summer.
↓There was also a rare sake of Junmai Ginjo in Hokkaido. "Imakane Junmai Ginjo (Niseko)" was delicious.
北海道では珍しい、純米吟醸の地酒もありました。「今金 純米吟醸(ニセコ)」美味しかった。
【Hot spring & Gourmet】Shihoro Onsen Plaza"Rykufuu"/しほろ温泉 プラザ緑風
Aderss:〒080-1285 北海道河東郡士幌町下居辺/Shimooribe, Shihoro-cho, Kato-gun, Hokkaido
This property has a pure botanical natural hot spring and a roadside station. "Mole hot spring※" is a hot spring where plant-based organic acid dissolves in groundwater and springs out. Your skin will be smooth, as if it is in a tonic lotion.
※Mole hot spring means that since the ancient times, plants buried in the ground have been deposited for a long time, and organic acids such as humic acid and fulvic acid generated during the process of turning into black coal Hot spring that melts and springs out. Highly rare hot spring in Japan.
Both the dinner and breakfast are delicious with plenty of local ingredients.
枝豆豆腐/ニシンの龍皮巻き(真イカ ミニトマトのゴマ酢)/カボチャ団子/お造り(天然本マグロ、松川カレイ、甘エビ)/しほろ牛すき焼き/海鮮陶板焼き(エビ、ホタテ、サケ団子、野菜)/カスベのから揚げ/五種豆五穀ご飯/エビ頭みそ汁/バヴァロア ハスカップソースかけ
The breakfast was quite enjoyable because the local specialty beans were abundantly used. Homemade natto of large soybeans and black beans, sweet and sour of gold toki beans, and addicted to bean salad. It was so delicious that I bought various kinds of beans (dry matter) and returned (at Michi no Eki "Ashoro"). I'm glad it's reasonable because it's locally produced.
【Gourmet】Additive-free soft cream of "Arigato bokujo"/「ありがとう牧場」の無添加ソフトクリーム
Aderss:〒089-3712 北海道足寄郡足寄町南2条/Minami 2 Jo, Ashoro-cho, Ashoro-gun, Hokkaido
Cafe Kenkyuusho is in the same site as Michi-no-Eki “Ashoro”. Here, among my favorite soft creams I have eaten, I came across the best soft cream of my own history.
That is the morning milk grazing soft cream of "Arigato bokujo(Thank you ranch)". 300 yen.
The soft cream here is an additive-free soft cream made only with grazing milk, sugar and salt. There was such a simple soft cream! First of all, it's amazing. When I put it in my mouth, I was moved by the milky, natural milk sweetness that spreads in my mouth. Pelori in an instant. Maybe after all the stuff is not included, aftertaste is refreshing. I thought this was something I would like to eat for children.
By the way, Arigato bokujo also run farmhouse guest houses in the ranch. When I visit Shihoro-cho next summer, I would like to use it.
【Supermarket】A Coop Shihoro store ASPO/Aコープ士幌店 ASPO
Aderss:〒080-1200 北海道河東郡士幌町士幌西2線161-13/161-13, Shihoro Nishi 2, Shihoro-cho, Kato-gun, Hokkaido
I have visited Shihoro Town four times in the past. In that case, it is "Seisansha Kangenyou Potato chips(producer reduction potato chips)" to buy by all means. A Coop Shihoro Store This is a great deal when it comes to ASPO. Moreover, there aren't any places in the local supermarkets. By the way, though it is also put in the road station "peer 21", I feel like I did about 130 yen-140 yen. ASPO is reasonable around 20 yen.
これまで士幌町を訪れたのは過去に4回。その際に必ず買うのが「生産者還元用ポテトチップス」です。Aコープ士幌店 ASPOにわざわざ寄ったのは、ここがお得だから。しかも、地元のスーパーならどこでも置いてあるわけじゃない。ちなみに道の駅「ピア21」にも置いてあるけれど、確か130円~140円くらいほどした気がします。 ASPOの方が20円前後リーズナブル。
I bought a box of salty taste this time. It says "up to 10 boxes per person," and all the locals bought lots of boxes . It is proof that is more delicious than anything. 116 yen including tax in one bag if it is a single item. If you buy a box (12 bags included), tax-included 1080 yen. Because one bag is 90 yen, this one is much more profitable.
I took out the boxed potato chips and packed them into the empty trunk for this purpose. One homework for this trip has been completed!
【Rest area】Michi-no-Eki “Peer 21 Shihoro”/道の駅「ピア21しほろ」
Aderss:〒080-1200 北海道河東郡士幌町士幌西2線134番地1/134-1, Shihoro Nishi 2, Shihoro-cho, Kato-gun, Hokkaido
About seven years ago, this is the place I first met with "Seisansha Kangenyou Potato chips". However, "Pia 21 Shihoro" has been renewed and moved to the present location. It was a very clean and cozy space, full of locals and tourists. While taking a break, I have a snack.
Haskap Berry frozen smoothie: 500 yen/ハスカップフローズンスムージー:500円
Shihoro style french fries: 380 yen/しほろスタイルフライドポテト:380円
Toukibiman: 250 yen/Using ann made of 100% corn from Shihoro.
【Gourmet】Tokachino Fromage (Michi-no-Eki “Nakasatsunai”)/十勝野フロマージュ (「道の駅なかさつない」)
Aderss:〒089-1330 北海道河西郡中札内村大通南7丁目/7-chome, Odoriminami, Nakasatsunai-mura, Kasai-gun, Hokkaido
The gelato here using local ingredients is quite delicious. By the way, when I examined it later, the "Tabelog" score was also quite high (the one at the main store). I ordered a double gelato (¥ 400). If you are lost in corn, camembert cheese, and milk with the choice of three, your sister in the shop will say, "If it's a taste you care about, I will serve you a bite." I was impressed.
・ Corn (Taste limited for this period. Uses domestically grown corn. The sweetness of corn and the flavor of milk are the best match)
・ Camembert (the most popular. A unique product of the cheese studio carefully mixed with camelbert from Tokachino Fromage. Milk and cheese rich in flavor and flavor spread throughout the mouth)
・ Milk (Used fresh milk that can be produced in the middle bill. The milk is delicious because it has a firm milk sweetness)
While the taste of the ingredients was firm, they were transformed into delicious gelato with good salt plume. Bravo!
After that, corn is picked up in the morning (300 yen intense horse). Two sisters were selling at the back of the direct selling place which is further from "Tokachi Fromage".
【tourist spot】Kofuku Eki (Happiness station)/幸福駅
Aderss:〒089-1246 北海道帯広市幸福町東1線161/161 Happiness Town East Line 1, Obihiro City, Hokkaido
Happiness station that is famous for ticket and admission ticket from the good point of the name. It was so famous that I stopped by for a moment. At the same time, I tried to ring the bell of happiness.
Inside the station building is a ticket replica with a wish written on the wall and ceiling. I often watch it on TV.
【Gourmet】Obihiro Airport/帯広空港
Aderss:〒089-1245 北海道帯広市泉町西9線中8-41/8-41 out of Nishi 9 Sen, Izumicho, Obihiro-shi, Hokkaido
I tried to eat before the flight, and I was researching various reviews, and found that the food court's pork bowl at Obihiro Airport was delicious. I ordered pork bowl and roast beef bowl and it was quite delicious.
The final conclusion is "Sakusaku pie"of ROKKATEI. In the first place, I did not know that there were such products in ROKKATEI, and I found one. Isn't it at New Chitose Airport? I just do not know? And I'm sure ROKKATEIi,It was delicious.
It was summer trip knocked out by nature, hot spring and gourmet. Well then, have a nice day!